Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 8:13 PM
Today My squad - Phoenix Went for a excursion to ...... *Drums Roll* NEWater ! We had a good time there In the bus we cheered many cheers including Cedar Revolution , Phoenix Revolution it sounds like this... Phoenix Untie,we'll show our might We'll show them how the Phoenix Fly ! We'll fly thro' the field with our head held high COS' AIN'T NOBODY GONNA BREAK OUR STRIDE! We are, we are Phoenix Ow ,Phoenix Ow We are, we are Phoenix Ow ,Phoenix Ow And we also cheered the Fly Kites Cheer Eating Banana Cheer To those we did not listen to the banana cheer before it sounds like this Peeping through the window What do people see If you want to 'jia gim jio'(Dialect for Eat Banana) do it in a proper way Meet be tonight by the moonlight meet me tonight all alone I got something to show you something that's yellow and long 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,4 5 banana , 6 banana many many more ! *Hey* 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,45 banana , 6 banana many many more ! *Hey* 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,45 banana , 6 banana many many more ! Many many more Many many more..... Later we played a game of Concentration ! Then we reach our destionation There we did a crossword puzzle to achive my Second Badge .... Total Defence Bronze ! After we went to all exibition We went back to school . The most boring part......
Hope I did not type anything wrongly if yes Change it for me TY -Chun Hui
Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 8:13 PM
Today My squad - Phoenix Went for a excursion to ...... *Drums Roll* NEWater ! We had a good time there In the bus we cheered many cheers including Cedar Revolution , Phoenix Revolution it sounds like this... Phoenix Untie,we'll show our might We'll show them how the Phoenix Fly ! We'll fly thro' the field with our head held high COS' AIN'T NOBODY GONNA BREAK OUR STRIDE! We are, we are Phoenix Ow ,Phoenix Ow We are, we are Phoenix Ow ,Phoenix Ow And we also cheered the Fly Kites Cheer Eating Banana Cheer To those we did not listen to the banana cheer before it sounds like this Peeping through the window What do people see If you want to 'jia gim jio'(Dialect for Eat Banana) do it in a proper way Meet be tonight by the moonlight meet me tonight all alone I got something to show you something that's yellow and long 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,4 5 banana , 6 banana many many more ! *Hey* 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,45 banana , 6 banana many many more ! *Hey* 1 banana ,2 banana ,3 banana ,45 banana , 6 banana many many more ! Many many more Many many more..... Later we played a game of Concentration ! Then we reach our destionation There we did a crossword puzzle to achive my Second Badge .... Total Defence Bronze ! After we went to all exibition We went back to school . The most boring part......
Hope I did not type anything wrongly if yes Change it for me TY -Chun Hui
we are awesome
We are Phoenix from Cedar NPCC.  Sec3 squad of 2010.
2008-2011, made up of 20 cadets and we love NPCC(:
Graciously fighting for the best!
We united on 1st feb 2008
NPCC is not just our CCA,
It's our way of life.
And we all love it. (:
Shi Ling
Pey Ling
Xi Hui
An Ting
Wei Jun
Chun Hui
In India,
#20 E.V.Manishaa
Squad I/Cs
8 Sep
29 Nov
7 June
Nike ma'ams
-Ma'am Azwyn♥
15 July
-Ma'am Eliqah♥
26 August
-Ma'am Ying Xin♥
20 February
Perseus ma'ams
-Ma'am Huimin♥
20 March
-Ma'am Suyi♥
11 May
-Ma'am Yolanda♥
20 July
Sirius ma'ams
-Ma'am Amirah♥
24 August
-Ma'am Ebony♥
15 June
-Ma'am Wing Hay♥
10 July
# leo ma'ams
# scorpius ma'ams
# spectrum ma'ams
# hermes ma'ams
# crater ma'ams
# delphinus ma'ams
# aries ma'ams
# sirius ma'ams
# perseus ma'ams
# nike ma'ams
# phoenix
# Bartley Secondary School
#Cedar Girls’ Secondary School
# Maris Stella High School
# Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School
# St. Gabriels Secondary School
# Yuying Secondary School
# ZhongHua Secondary School
Wei Jun -03
Conny -07
Izni -10
Shahana -12
Shiling -19
Elfa -06
Chunhui -28
Dayna -04
Xihui -04
Manishaa -08
Fajeela -12
Geraldine -19
An Ting -25
Sanika -07
Steffi -08
Azlin -08
Pey Ling-13
Denise -29
Fahima -10
Sylvia -18