Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 8:37 PM

Phoenix is not a star but a constellation.
This constellation first appeared in 1603. It is located in the far southern skies northwest of the bright star Archenar in Eridanus, the river.
The phoenix is a mythical bird who lived for 1o00 years. At the end of its life it would build a nest of spices, twigs, and fragrances. The sun would light the nest afire and the bird would perish in flames only to be reborn again to start the cycle over again.
A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red.
It has a 1000-year life.
Near the end of its life, the phoenix builds itself a nest of spices, twigs and fragrances such as cinnamon twigs.
Then, the nest is ignited.
The phoenix burns along with the nest.
Both the bird and nest burns fiercely and are reduced to ashes.
A new, young phoenix arises from these ashes.
This young phoenix is destined to live as long as the previous one.
The phoenix regenerates when hurt or wounded.
Thus, being immortal and invincible.
In Jewish folklore, it is said that the phoenix was the only animal which did not join Adam in his banishment from the Garden of Eden.
The phoenix is also a prominent symbol on the flag and seal of the City and County of San Francisco, symbolizing the city rising from the ashes of the devastation caused by the 1906 earthquake.