Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 3:57 PM
Sizing Command 1) Yang tinggi kekanan, rendah kekiri, dalam satu barisan, PERAS (TURN CHECK BANG CHECK LEFT RIGHT LEFT) 2) Dari kenan, angkat satu dan dua bilang ( SATU-DUA alternate. Last person says SATU/DUA ma’am) 3) Nombor ganjil satu langkah kehadapan, nombor genap satu langkah keblakang, GERAK (CHECK BANG) 4) Orang yang di sebulah kenan diam (NO TIMING) 5) Nombor ganjil kekanan, nombor genap kekiri barisan kekanan dan kekiri, PUSING (TURN CHECK BANG) 6) Jadikan tiga barisan, CEPAT JALAN (UP UP UP RIGHT) Note: Once a column is formed, the person in the third rank will say “check turn check bang” The check is to attract the attention of the people in the first two ranks and turn check bang is to turn to the left (front of the squad) note that we turrn with left heel and right toe (: HAVE FUN MEMORISING! :P OH WAIT. GOT ANOTHER ONE. THE FORM TWO RANKS FROM THREE:p Command: Jadikan Dua barisan, GERAK Timing: one one bang. When to execute: In sedia position and three ranks. How? When command is given: At the first One: Take one step diagonally to the left with your left foot. (for odd number. For even number, it’s the complete opposite. Instead of going front, go back) At the second one: Take one step forward with your right leg At Bang: Bang with your left leg. An antidote to the command/drill would be jadikan TIGA barisan (see further) Command: Jadikan tiga barisan, GERAK The timing is the same: one one bang. When to execute: When dua barisan position (two ranks) HOW: When timing is given, (FOR EVEN NUMBER, DO THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE, LIKE INSTEAD OF GOING BACK, GO FRONT.) One: Take one step back with your left foot One: take one diagonal step back to the right with your right foot Bang: Bang with your left foot(: OKAY COOL. THAT’S IT. HAHA HAVE FUN MEMORISING(: SANIKA :D
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 3:57 PM
Sizing Command 1) Yang tinggi kekanan, rendah kekiri, dalam satu barisan, PERAS (TURN CHECK BANG CHECK LEFT RIGHT LEFT) 2) Dari kenan, angkat satu dan dua bilang ( SATU-DUA alternate. Last person says SATU/DUA ma’am) 3) Nombor ganjil satu langkah kehadapan, nombor genap satu langkah keblakang, GERAK (CHECK BANG) 4) Orang yang di sebulah kenan diam (NO TIMING) 5) Nombor ganjil kekanan, nombor genap kekiri barisan kekanan dan kekiri, PUSING (TURN CHECK BANG) 6) Jadikan tiga barisan, CEPAT JALAN (UP UP UP RIGHT) Note: Once a column is formed, the person in the third rank will say “check turn check bang” The check is to attract the attention of the people in the first two ranks and turn check bang is to turn to the left (front of the squad) note that we turrn with left heel and right toe (: HAVE FUN MEMORISING! :P OH WAIT. GOT ANOTHER ONE. THE FORM TWO RANKS FROM THREE:p Command: Jadikan Dua barisan, GERAK Timing: one one bang. When to execute: In sedia position and three ranks. How? When command is given: At the first One: Take one step diagonally to the left with your left foot. (for odd number. For even number, it’s the complete opposite. Instead of going front, go back) At the second one: Take one step forward with your right leg At Bang: Bang with your left leg. An antidote to the command/drill would be jadikan TIGA barisan (see further) Command: Jadikan tiga barisan, GERAK The timing is the same: one one bang. When to execute: When dua barisan position (two ranks) HOW: When timing is given, (FOR EVEN NUMBER, DO THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE, LIKE INSTEAD OF GOING BACK, GO FRONT.) One: Take one step back with your left foot One: take one diagonal step back to the right with your right foot Bang: Bang with your left foot(: OKAY COOL. THAT’S IT. HAHA HAVE FUN MEMORISING(: SANIKA :D
we are awesome
We are Phoenix from Cedar NPCC.  Sec3 squad of 2010.
2008-2011, made up of 20 cadets and we love NPCC(:
Graciously fighting for the best!
We united on 1st feb 2008
NPCC is not just our CCA,
It's our way of life.
And we all love it. (:
Shi Ling
Pey Ling
Xi Hui
An Ting
Wei Jun
Chun Hui
In India,
#20 E.V.Manishaa
Squad I/Cs
8 Sep
29 Nov
7 June
Nike ma'ams
-Ma'am Azwyn♥
15 July
-Ma'am Eliqah♥
26 August
-Ma'am Ying Xin♥
20 February
Perseus ma'ams
-Ma'am Huimin♥
20 March
-Ma'am Suyi♥
11 May
-Ma'am Yolanda♥
20 July
Sirius ma'ams
-Ma'am Amirah♥
24 August
-Ma'am Ebony♥
15 June
-Ma'am Wing Hay♥
10 July
# leo ma'ams
# scorpius ma'ams
# spectrum ma'ams
# hermes ma'ams
# crater ma'ams
# delphinus ma'ams
# aries ma'ams
# sirius ma'ams
# perseus ma'ams
# nike ma'ams
# phoenix
# Bartley Secondary School
#Cedar Girls’ Secondary School
# Maris Stella High School
# Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School
# St. Gabriels Secondary School
# Yuying Secondary School
# ZhongHua Secondary School
Wei Jun -03
Conny -07
Izni -10
Shahana -12
Shiling -19
Elfa -06
Chunhui -28
Dayna -04
Xihui -04
Manishaa -08
Fajeela -12
Geraldine -19
An Ting -25
Sanika -07
Steffi -08
Azlin -08
Pey Ling-13
Denise -29
Fahima -10
Sylvia -18